Critical Thoughts and Insights

Novate offers its clients insights and critical thoughts not just in engineering, industrial, and technology solutions, but we strive to guide them through a journey that fosters excellence with knowledge

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IBM teamed with Novate for a new MAXIMO based tool, using AI to provide predictive failure in plant processes. This is remarkable technology will change the way manufacturing views AI and existing automation.
Industry 4.0 brings opportunities to infuse AI into manufacturing By Philipp Schume | 4 minute read | April 17, 2020 (originally published by IBM) We live in the age of Industry 4.0. This Fourth Industrial Revolution with its unprecedented speed…
Design Principles for the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Behind every successful production process is a holistic engineering design that’s centered on quality and productivity. As the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) continues to play an increasingly important role in smart…

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